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    reduced moisture in western half 結果共1筆

  • Weakening monsoon brings agreeable weather across Taiwan

    The weakening northeastern monsoon in Taiwan has resulted in temperatures staying above 17 degrees Celsius in northern Taiwan on Wednesday. The lowest morning temperature recorded was 16.7 degrees in Huwei, Yunlin County. As the monsoon shifts to a more easterly wind, cloud cover and localized short-lived showers are expected in the Northern and Northeastern coasts, as well as the Eastern half of the region. However, the western half of Taiwan will experience improved weather with sunny to partly cloudy skies. A front system on Thursday could increase cloud amounts and bring precipitation to areas north of Taichung and in the eastern half of the country, particularly in mountainous regions. Following the front, a southbound Northeast monsoon may lead to a temperature drop to 16-18 degrees in urban areas and possibly lower in suburbs at night. The arid and chilly influence will persist on Friday, with high temperatures ranging from 18-19 degrees in the north, 22-24 degrees in central Taiwan, 25-26 degrees in the south, and 21-22 degrees in Hualien and Taitung. This weather pattern is expected to continue until next Wednesday, providing Taiwan with a reliable forecast.
    2023/11/16 21:13
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